Taji Hair Care

We strive to further the education and hygienic upkeep of healthy hair while providing customers with the necessary tools and products to do so.


Men aren't usually taught proper hair care techniques as Children like women are. With the normalization of various forms of self-expression amongst black men, It is vital that men feel good about themselves and have a community of like-minded men for support as they go along this journey. I plan on using my business and platform to not only inform men but also give them the resources needed to healthily use their hair as a form of expression with the help of blog posts as well as specially formulated hair care products and tools. Taji Hair is a simple and all-natural wash day system for men that is designed to keep the hair moisturized and strengthened for maximum hair growth. Our natural handcrafted formula was extensively researched and tested to make sure it will feed the hair follicle and work against male pattern baldness while still ensuring the hydration and integrity of the hair. 


Since I started my natural hair journey, many years ago, every single one of my male friends and family members of all age groups came to me with all their questions, concerns, and new hairstyles they saw on social media. From then on, I started providing hair services specializing in men's hairstyles. While doing so, I would ask questions about their hair goals, problems, and what products they were using. I started to notice a pattern. Unfortunately, men aren't properly informed on hair care. Most times men are taught to cut their hair off when it gets too “unruly” or long. The general outlook on self-expression by way of hair has drastically and quickly made a change in terms of social acceptance. With the knowledge I’ve acquired from maintaining a multitude of different hair types and textures, it became hard for me to sit back and watch men unknowingly damage their hair trying to achieve a goal they may never reach if they continued the use of harsh products and damaging hair care techniques. So I decided to start educating men about the proper techniques, tools, and products to use on their hair and why not provide them with the said techniques, tools, and products for them to learn their hair with. 


I would love for my brand and blog to reach as many individuals as possible and to spread the awareness of healthy hair. When You look good you feel good, and mental health is important to me. My goal is to make a positive impact on everyone I encounter, and I can use my business to do so by improving the way men feel about themselves. My biggest goal is to have my products as accessible as possible and to be able to reach everyone around the world promoting body positivity and hygienic upkeep.